Monday, April 20, 2009

Day 17, 4.20.09, Counts and nausea are increasing

Rain has fallen here on and off since Saturday afternoon. It's cold and windy, but better than snow.

It seems everything can't improve at one time for Craig. Nausea has bothered him today and he's decided a 12 hour IV medication is helping. That's no problem since he's still going in to the clinic twice a day for a check up and antibiotic.

The good news tonight is that his blood counts have increased dramatically since yesterday.

No doctor has even hinted at a time he can be released. We're optimistically packing up a few things from the room and eating the food in the pantry and refrigerator.

Kay McClain from Craig's office surprised us with a visit. She brought her son here for tests and they were on their way out of town. It was good to see a familar face and so thoughtful of her to stop.

We've had a few visitors during out stay. Craig's cousin Kathy and her husband Rich stopped on their way home to Wisconsin. The minister, vicar, and lay minister from Trinity Lutheran have been here several times.

There is a rapid turn over of people staying here. It's good they are well enough to go home, but we miss our new friends.

The people waiting for organs stay here the longest. It's difficult to watch their physical condition slide downhill. This has reinforced our believe in the importance of donating organs. The positive aspect is that as soon as they receive the organs, their physical condition improves dramatically and quickly.

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