Sunday, June 28, 2009

More good news, 6.28. 2009

Late in the week, staff from Mayo called and Craig's bone marrow biopsy results looked great.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Good news from the Mayo Clinic, June 23, 2009

Last Saturday, Craig, Carl and I headed to to see family. We stopped in Huron to see Craig's father in the hospital. He had some complications from his last surgery, but it is resolved. He went home Monday.

We traveled to Hurley for the bi-annual Rundell reunion on my mother's side of the family. We arrived just as the clean up started. A smaller reunion of just Eli Rundell descendants was on Sunday. We stayed for that and saw many familiar relatives and met some of the younger generation attending for the first time. My father and Uncle Kenneth both passed away since the 2007 reunion.

Carl and my mother left for Akron and Craig and I headed to Rochester. We stayed at the transplant house and that made trip easier knowing we were headed to our "house" away from home. Craig had 2 full days of tests, consults, and exams.

The great news is there is no detectable sign of cancer in the blood, bone marrow, and any lesions are healed or healing. Craig will have some lasting side effects from the chemotherapy, but not anything as horrible as the disease. He doesn't have any new compression fractures and didn't need any more vertebralplasties. One of the readings from his blood work is usually associated with a longer than average remission.

He's had some lower back pain and will have a couple steroid injections before we leave tomorrow. This is an outpatient procedure and Craig should have no discomfort traveling. We'll need to pick up Carl from Akron on Wednesday and then head back to Pierre on Thursday.

Now it's time for bed. We have many things to be thankful for tonight in our prayers. Gail and Craig

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wednesday, June 17, 2009--from Craig:

Anne, our daughter, and Scott Saniuk were married Sunday, June 14, 2009, at Faith Lutheran Church in Pierre. It was a small, family only wedding with about 35 guests, all of them family. It was a really great wedding, certainly the best one I have been to since mine and Gail's. (Ours was still better--sorry Anne and Scott!!) Anne had the most beautiful gown I have ever seen. I walked her down the aisle without stepping on her long train. She was beautiful and radiant, the way a bride should be. Everyone was happy. Gail supervised all the decorating of both the church and the old St. Charles Hotel, where we had the dinner/reception. There will be an additional larger reception at Bellevue, NE, Scott's home town, on August 7. We will be there and enjoy that as well. It was a wonderful wedding and even the weather cooperated. This was the first time we met Scott's family, and they are great people. They accepted Anne and treated her as one of their own the minute she arrived in Omaha a couple of years ago. We were grateful for that, as she knew very few people there when she went there and they were exceptionally kind to her.

As to my health, I am getting along OK, but I still get tired. I am going back to work basically for half days (or less) and I am still getting a 2 hour or so nap in addition to my night time sleep. We will find out more, as my follow-up in Rochester is scheduled for next week, the 22nd and 23rd of June. We will try to post on that visit as soon as we hear back from the Doctors there.

Gail also has a family reunion this weekend, so we will stop in there for a short time on the way to Rochester for my checkup.

That is about all the news for now. We are very happy that Anne and Scott are married. They were able to go on a short trip to Colorado, but are back home (in Omaha) tonight. They both have to work tomorrow. Such is life, but at least they got in a short trip to celebrate their marriage.

See everyone here later!!


Sunday, June 7, 2009


Craig is improving a little each day, but still gets tired easily.

We're busy with wedding preparations and are looking forward to having many family members here.

My double uncle, Kenneth, died last week. He was 92 and retired from farming when he was 89. His funeral is tomorrow in SE South Dakota, but we are not able to attend. We saw him last fall and had a good time visiting. Gail