Saturday, May 30, 2009

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Craig is finally feeling a little better each day.  He still needs to be careful not to overdo.  He's been at the office a few times this week.

Craig's dad is healing and eating solid food.  He has improved greatly since the last post and may go home early next week.

We are continuing to work on preparing for Anne and Scott's wedding.  Today Craig and Carl went down to be fitted for a tux.  

Monday is our 34th anniversary.  We don't have any big plans to celebrate.  We'll wait for 35 or 40 years.

I'll try to post once a week over the weekend.  Gail

Friday, May 22, 2009

Only good news

Craig's father came through the surgery well.  On Thursday, he moved from ICU into a regular hospital room.  We plan on driving to Huron to see him this weekend.

Craig's week is much better than last week.  He's feeling a little better every day and worked in the office several times.

Anne, our daughter, hopes both her dad and grandfather will feel wonderful on June 14.  That's the day she and Scott Saniuk will be married in Pierre.   Gail

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mostly good news

Good news:  Craig is feeling a little better each day and doing more.  Today we attended church from start to finish.  He hopes to get into the office for a few hours next week.

Today is graduation in Akron, Iowa, Pierre and Ft. Pierre.  We're missing our niece's graduation in Iowa, but that is  a long trip for Craig.  Yesterday we went to 3 parties for 4 graduates, including 2 of my day care children from the 1990's.  Craig was tired at the end, but enjoyed getting out and talking to many people.  I enjoyed not cooking.  Carl enjoyed the desserts.

Wonderful news:  Anne and Scott Saniuk will be married June 14 in Pierre.  It will be a small wedding with family only and there will be a reception in Omaha later.  Anne was home last week and we started finalizing plans.

Serious news:  Craig's father is having emergency surgery today for a bowel obstruction.  We pray for his healing.  It's only been days since he was released from the hospital with pneumonia.  Gail

Friday, May 8, 2009

May 8 2009 Craig is slowly feeling better and doing more

Craig's doctor took him off a couple medications on April 30 when the fluids didn't end his   lightheadedness.  This helped and Craig is slowly improving.

Sunday we went to church for the groundbreaking of the new family life center between services.   He was happy to see everyone and was everyone was glad to see him.  We were able to stay in church until the end of the sermon.

Yesterday I dropped him off at his office and he worked for 90 minutes.  Today he was starting lunch when I got home.  Carl made banana bread and Craig helped him bake it.  Tonight he's been getting up to answer the phone.

Carl's banana bread was once again fabulous.  Craig can take some to his office when he works a little next week.

We're going to tour the historic Hyde building on Mother's Day.  Craig wants to go and is looking forward to it.  There's a light at the end of the tunnel and it's not a train.

May 8, 2009 Good day for Craig

OnApril 30, Craig was stil having the same light-headedness and went back to the doctor.  It appeared to be a medication side effects.  He was taken off 2 medications and has slowly been improving.

Yesterday, I drove Craig to the office and worked about 90 minutes.  Today he had started lunch when I got home and has been getting up to answer the phone.  These are small, but encouraging improvements for him.